Affirmations are Step One: 3 Steps to Creating Transformation and Boosting Confidence

Culture piles a lot of rules and expectations on women. If you take a look around, you’ll see messages of what women should look like, how women should act, and what women should do.

The noise of those messages make hard to hear your own voice. Affirmations are the first step for women who want to discover themselves and activate unshakable confidence.

Manifestation begins in our mouths; the words we speak become the lives we’ll live.  

Affirmations are used as a tool used by many to increase their self-esteem, confidence and create an awareness of what they want in their lives. Affirmations are positive statements that are repeated throughout the day, these statements can be used to create a positive mindset that will lead to success. Having your affirmations on paper helps to create a visual reminder of what you want, and helps you to focus on the outcome that you desire.

Affirmations are great, it feels good when to say the words, but what happens after?

Like prayer, what do we do after we’ve said the words? Do we sit back and wait for the words to show up on your doorstep? If your affirmations are on the level of prayer for you, and you know that the words have the power to transform your life, what’s next?

Here at Confidence Coaching for Her we believe wholeheartedly in the power of affirmations. In a previous version of this brand we sold affirmation-based apparel and jewelry. Our trademarked phrase, Be Your Own Beautiful, is a foundational affirmation and sentiment behind everything we do.

We believe that affirmations are the first step to growing in confidence.

Transformation is a 3-step process. After we state our desires (Affirm), we:

Afform: to form; model; cause to conform – identify all the reasons why your desires will become reality

That could look like practicing new habits.

That could look like asking yourself different types of questions (so you get different types of answers).

This could look like spending more time alone so you can reflect.

Act: do something – get busy doing the things that will bring your desires to you

Affirmations are the first step to becoming the version of you that you’re growing into, and when you know what to do after you affirm something in your life, you’re able to support yourself through the next phase of your evolution.

Don’t believe the hype – every woman has insecurities and areas her life that she’s working on. Because of this, we’ve all had bouts of struggling with how we see ourselves. Affirmations are a great way to start speaking love, life and elevation to yourself, which can have a huge impact on your self-esteem and confidence.

I created The Inner Strength Journal to support women like you with thought-provoking questions, prompts and exercises to help you discover the magic that resides in you. Create space for your authenticity and courage to show up in your life. click here to order your journal.

The foundation of true confidence is trusting yourself. Beginning with the words you say to yourself, you can learn how to believe in the power of your own words.


About mo

I help world-changing women walk boldly in their power, and show up fully expressed in all areas of their lives.

Certified Confidence Coach, US Army Veteran, and Audacity Activator.

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