The Identity – Confidence Connection

personal growth & confidence

To the confident woman, authenticity is paramount. She knows that in order to trust herself fully, she has to know herself and show acceptance toward herself every day. Your identity is the combination of factors that make you you, and when fully embraced, create the confidence to show up every day from a place of […]

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Setting the Stage for Discovering Your Identity as a Woman

personal growth & confidence

When you don’t know who you are, you risk being crushed by other’s people’s opinions and fantasies of/for you. Society does a really good job of telling women who they’re supposed to be, and the weight of those designations can be extremely harmful. The journey of self-discovery is unique for every woman, these tips will […]

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About mo

I help world-changing women walk boldly in their power, and show up fully expressed in all areas of their lives.

Certified Confidence Coach, US Army Veteran, and Audacity Activator.

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