Setting the Stage for Discovering Your Identity as a Woman

When you don’t know who you are, you risk being crushed by other’s people’s opinions and fantasies of/for you. Society does a really good job of telling women who they’re supposed to be, and the weight of those designations can be extremely harmful. The journey of self-discovery is unique for every woman, these tips will help you set the stage for illuminating your true identity.

Put your bags down – You begin the process of taking responsibility for your well-being once you identify the old issues, “the bags” that are keep you from moving freely into your freedom. This involves recognizing the difference between fault & responsibility – somebody doing something hurtful to you makes it their fault, but it’s your responsibility to figure out how to stop allowing it to keep you stuck. Dealing with your rage, bitterness, disappointment and grief will give you life.

Be open to making mistakes – Making mistakes helps you discover who you aren’t. First you take the action, and the insight follows. You don’t think your way into becoming yourself, you try things, learn through the mistakes and apply the lessons going forward.

Set boundaries that bring you peace– What’s aggravating you right now? Consider how those frustrating people, places and things in your life may be a sign that your boundaries aren’t being honored. Once you’ve accepted that you can only control yourself, you won’t look to someone else to know what you need and give it to you. Instead you’ll honor your own needs and recognize that you’re investing in areas that are dishonoring you. Setting boundaries will help you create the peace you desire to position yourself for your evolution.

Decide that you’re going to LIVE fully instead of just survive  – When you’re living unconsciously, you allow circumstances to happen to you. You feel like a victim with no ownership of your life. Choosing to sit in the driver’s seat of your life gives you the freedom to take ownership and responsibility for your relationships and your environment, which helps you to feel instantly more confident in yourself and your abilities.

The people who cared for us during our childhood create the environment that has the biggest influence on our identity. As we get older we look to peers on our quest for self. At this point in your life you’ve collected some experiences, good and bad, and perhaps you’re noticing that you’re not as clear as you’d like to be about yourself.

The truest you is in there, and it’s your responsibility to find her. The journey of self-discovery cannot be boiled down into one blog post, we hope this has given you a good start. if you’re looking to go deeper into this process with support, click here to work with Mo on an individualized basis.


About mo

I help world-changing women walk boldly in their power, and show up fully expressed in all areas of their lives.

Certified Confidence Coach, US Army Veteran, and Audacity Activator.

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