Being in Alignment Inspires Confidence

Contrary to what culture tells us, confidence doesn’t come from what we wear, what we drive or who we associate with. Confidence is rooted in a deep knowing of ourselves and trusting in the truth of our worthiness and abilities. While compliments and approval are nice, they can’t replace the confidence that comes from being in alignment with who we are authentically.

If you find yourself feeling frustrated, exhausted, aggravated for no apparent reason, there’s a chance you could be out of alignment. If this is the case don’t beat yourself up, it happens to us all. Life can be a relentless wench sometimes…..

We become out of alignment when we give our power away, we step out of the seat of responsibility and authority in our lives and leave room for people, places and/or things to dictate our decisions.

  • We say yes when saying no is appropriate.
  • We accept less than we know we deserve more…because we’re afraid to disappoint others.
  • We’ve accepted being disconnected, unfulfilled and unhappy as the norm in our lives.

Friend, this is not the life you’re called to live! You deserve more, and it’s possible if you’re willing to shift into alignment with the honest you. You have the power to change the situation, let’s break it down:

  1. Decide what matters to you (Awareness)

What are your values? What are your dealbreakers? What’s most important to you? Self-awareness is a superpower, and when you know yourself well & accept all of you, nobody can tell you about you. When you’re clear on what matters to you, it becomes easier to eliminate everything that doesn’t match.

2. Tell the truth about where you are & how you feel (Assessment)

What are you doing repeatedly that is causing you stress? What are you holding on to that drains your energy? Which phone calls/text messages/DMs make your stomach hurt before you open them? Your body is signaling to you that these people, places and things are out of alignment with you. Ask yourself if it’s an invitation to release them and allow room for your confidence to thrive.

3. Change the narrative (Aim

An essential part of the emancipation process is not beating yourself up for choices you made when you were prioritizing survival (or when you didn’t know any better). Forgive yourself and change your mind. When you decide to release the things that don’t align with your becoming, commit to not disappointing yourself anymore. Self respect and integrity come from honoring your word to yourself above the demands of others. 

4. Do something (Action)

When you think about the changes you’re beginning and imagine what you’re signing up for, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Relax, you don’t need to have all the answers right now. Ask yourself, “What’s the next best step for me right now?” Focus on doing that, ask yourself the question again and take that action. Repeat.

The more we learn about ourselves, the more we have to shift into alignment with our identity, core values and priorities. We give ourselves the freedom to live satisfying and fulfilling lives when we show up in confidence.

If you recognize that you’ve been out of alignment, today is a great day to shift yourself into position.

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About mo

I help world-changing women walk boldly in their power, and show up fully expressed in all areas of their lives.

Certified Confidence Coach, US Army Veteran, and Audacity Activator.

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