PERSONAL GROWTH & confidence
What does evolution look like? In biology, evolution is the change in the characteristics of a species over several generations. In the work I do to support women through their journeys of self-discovery and confidence, those changes can show up in a variety of ways. Evolution looks like change, and change looks different depending on […]
Contrary to what culture tells us, confidence doesn’t come from what we wear, what we drive or who we associate with. Confidence is rooted in a deep knowing of ourselves and trusting in the truth of our worthiness and abilities. While compliments and approval are nice, they can’t replace the confidence that comes from being […]
Think about last time you were asked, “How are you”? What was your answer? According to culture, women are supposed to be “fine”. We’re not expected to be up nor down, to be ‘fine’ means to not disruptive, to stay in that middle-of-the-road space that doesn’t impact much of anything. For many of us, we’re […]
Generally speaking, we tend to think of the confidence journey as only positive, painted with Instagram-worthy quotes and images of us luxuriating on a beach being #unbothered. There is a superficial perception that confidence is something we can see, something that looks the way we see it portrayed on TV and social media. We see […]
You cannot be confident without courage. Your confidence journey will call you to be, do and say things that you’ve never experienced before, and you’ll need courage to become. The world tends to think of confidence as a feeling of accomplishment, boost of self-esteem, or happiness, but being confident is to be consistently courageous when […]
Can you recognize when you’re off course, or out of alignment? Would you know how to determine if you’re being who you’re called to to be? THIS is the importance of self-awareness. Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires Having self-awareness gives you the ability to examine yourself without […]
What comes to mind when you think of confidence? What does it look like? Do you imagine a specific person? Confidence looks different on every person, and as women I believe that we’ve been sold a false narrative of what a confident woman is “supposed” to look like. In my experience as a Confidence Coach […]
Culture piles a lot of rules and expectations on women. If you take a look around, you’ll see messages of what women should look like, how women should act, and what women should do. The noise of those messages make hard to hear your own voice. Affirmations are the first step for women who want […]
Have you ever opted out of the healing process because you knew it would hurt? Think about it, when you were a child and got a cut, the idea of pouring alcohol was NOT something we looked forward to. We knew that the alcohol would make the wound hurt worse, so we tried as hard […]
When you don’t know who you are, you risk being crushed by other’s people’s opinions and fantasies of/for you. Society does a really good job of telling women who they’re supposed to be, and the weight of those designations can be extremely harmful. The journey of self-discovery is unique for every woman, these tips will […]